You deserve customized postpartum support.



In Person Support

My rates are simple. $40.00 per hour

4 hour minimum for day shifts.

8 hour minimum for overnight shifts. (Limited weekly availability)

Virtual Support

$18.00 per 30 minutes for phone, text, Facetime or Zoom Chat.

Focusing on You


Mental Heath

During the postpartum period, there are so many changes that take place. You will experience big shifts in your hormones post-delivery, achiness, and healing from the birth experience. On top of that, you have this sweet new baby to learn how to take care of and who needs constant attention. These are really big changes that can affect the mental health of a new parent. 1 in 7 people can experience feelings of anxiety, depression, and more. That is why your mental health is a huge priority for me. During our shifts, I’ll be checking in with you and your partner to see how you are feeling. I want to be sure you have the space to express your feelings as they can be complicated. Some moments you will be filled with joy and love and other moments may not feel so pleasant. My support is judgment-free; there is no right or wrong way to feel and being able to express it is what you and your partner really need during this time. If you need extra mental health support, I have many resources to share with you which may include therapy, and support groups.


Do you know the old adage to “sleep like a baby”? No adult really wants to sleep like that! In fact, sleeping like a baby is pretty hard on an adult’s sleep cycle. An infant sleep cycle is about 1-2 hours long. After that, they need to wake, have a feed and diaper change, and then it’s pretty much time to go back to sleep again. This happens for many weeks through the entire first year as your baby gradually lengthens its sleep cycle. The first 3 months are typically the most difficult since the cycles are shorter which means there are a LOT of tired parents with newborns. With my support, I focus on helping you get as much sleep as possible. On a day shift, we will plan a nap, so you can sleep while I look after the baby and do things around the house. If it’s a night shift, we design the night together to allow you to get as much sleep as possible. I can provide full overnight care for your baby, or if you want to take part in the feeding and caring, we create a schedule that allows you to do that, all while maximizing a block of sleep for you at night. I also educate you on infant sleep needs and how you can work with their cycles to maximize your rest and help your baby rest better too.


In many cultures, after a person gives birth, there is a set time period in which the birth giver or adoptive parent is treated to a time of rest and pampering. Special foods are prepared, special clothing or practices may be implemented to assist that person as they heal, rest, recover from birth and bond with their baby. In our culture, this practice is often overlooked. Headlines often read “Get your body back after baby” or “Bounce back 1 week postpartum” when these are unrealistic expectations and unhelpful for any birthing person to expect of themselves. Together, I will help you slow down and focus on your recovery. In the early days, I will provide support so you can heal from birth and focus your time on bonding with your baby. I will cook you nourishing meals, organize areas of your home, set up places around the house for you to easily care for your baby, and keep the laundry going as just a few examples. In later days I provide support to help you find your new normal. We talk through getting ready for the first days back at work, advice on finding a good nanny or daycare, organizing and setting up your work wardrobe as you adjust to a different body and celebrate it for what it has created!


Together, we focus on the things you want to know: How to diaper your baby, how to give your baby it’s first bath, how to use your new carrier, how to soothe your baby, how to use your breast pump or prepare a formula bottle. I answer any questions you have no matter how random or silly you may think they are. There are no silly questions! I know this is new territory for you and I know you want to do it the best way you can. I share with you the latest evidence based information so you can have the facts you need to make your parenting decisions. Even 2nd time parents have new questions as every baby is different!


In Person Support

My rates are simple. $40.00 per hour

5 hour minimum for day shifts. (2 shifts a week minimum.)

8 hour minimum for overnight shifts. (Limited weekly availability)

Virtual Support

$18.00 per 30 minutes for phone, text, Facetime or Zoom Chat.